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TOEFL/(S)SAT | DIGITAL SAT Reading(English)

7 years of teaching standardized tests
with around 1,000 students of all different ability levels

로엔 (Roen Kim) 선생님의 Digital SAT
Practice Test Series

ㆍ“Get effective study know-how and methods from a Digital SAT expert
with years of proven results"

This course is a Practice Test course designed to prepare students for
the Reading and Writing sections of the Digital SAT.

강의 특징(Course Features)

  • 1.Digital SAT Reading and Writing 분야에서 만점을 받을 수 있게 실질적인 가이드라인을 제공하는 강의
    This course provides practical guidelines to achieve a perfect score in the Digital SAT Reading and Writing sections.
  • 2.미국 및 한국 압구정 현장에서 검증된 강의, 현장에서 학생들에게 가르치는 방식 그대로 강의
    The teaching methods used in these lectures have proven effective in real on-site classes
    in both the United States and in Apgujeong, Korea.
  • 3.운이나 단순한 감이 아닌 Evidence와 structure에 기반한 실력이 쌓이는 공부 법
    In this course, students will learn the necessary test-taking strategies that will help them
    to build a more structured approach to taking the SAT.
  • 4.Digital SAT 전문가만의 검증된 Reading및 Writing별로
    문제유형별 전략, 접근방식 및 문제풀이 법을 알려주는 강의
    This course teaches expert strategies for all of the different types of questions
    that will be tested on the Reading and Writing section of the SAT,
    providing step-by-step solutions to actual problem sets released by the College Board.
  • 5.따라만 하면 DSAT 전문가의 노하우와 skill을 자연스럽게 습득하게 되어서 성적이 올라가는 강의
    By simply following along, students will naturally acquire the know- how and skills of a DSAT expert,
    leading to improved scores and a strong understanding of how to take the SAT in a more efficient way.

강사 약력 (Instructor Profile)

7 years of teaching standardized tests
with around 1,000 students of all different ability levels

  • 1. Williams College (#1 in National Liberal Arts Colleges) 졸업
  • 2.전) LA 소재 Iknow Academy Head SAT Teacher,College Essay Consultant
  • 3.현) 압구정 메이커스 어학원 SAT,ACT 강사
  • 4.현) 마스터프렙 SAT 강사

강의리스트 (Course List)

온라인 장학금 상담
선택 선생님 강의명 샘플강의 강의수/
Roen Kim [English Version] Roen 선생님의 Digital SAT Series_College Board Practice Test 1,2 해설강의 수강료 : 120,000원( 84 USD) 샘플강의 youtube 17강 /
Roen Kim [English Version] Roen 선생님의 Digital SAT Series_College Board Practice Test 3,4 해설강의 수강료 : 100,000원( 70 USD) 샘플강의 youtube 16강 /
Roen Kim [English Version] Roen 선생님의 Digital SAT Series_College Board Practice Test 5,6 해설강의 수강료 : 100,000원( 70 USD) 샘플강의 youtube 16강 /